Maxyne Baker is a Cinematic Story Teller who expresses herself in fibre, cloth and haberdashery. Education and Experience has taught her the power of visual communication, enabling her harness freshness, texture and nuance into her characters costumes. She believes the role of a designer is to understand, listen, observe, empathize and synthesize in order to glean perspectives that enable the invisible, visible, stripping away the obvious and adding the meaningful.  

Taught to stitch by her Grandmother at the age of eight. With her father being a drama teacher and mother a fibre artist, the path to a future as a Costume Designer seemed inevitable. 

After graduating from Sheridan College with a diploma in design, she continued to expand her knowledge and experience by working in some of Canada’s best theatres, Stratford, Shaw, Mervish and the C.O.C. This proved a fertile ground for hands on training with period costuming. She was able to learn the fundamentals in historical costume research, cutting, corsetry, tailoring, embellishment, breakdown and dying while assisting under design greats such as Desmond Healey and Susan Benson. 

The fast pace and contemporary culture of the film world began to pull her in a new direction. Assisting film Icons like Delphine White and Aude Bronson-Howard enabled her to adapt and expand her skill set. Soon she was designing Friday the 13th the Series. Other than a quick return to University from 2009-2014 for a degree in Design Thinking at OCADU (BDes), Maxyne has continued to work in the film community with over thirty nine design credits to her name. 

Maxyne has designed Drama ( Chained, Rude, Down in the Delta ) Horror ( Jason X, Friday the 13th Series 1-2, We Summon the Darkness ) Sci Fi (The Others, Total Recall 2070 ) Action, Adventure ( Dangerous, A Score to Settle ) Neo-Western (The Last Victim ) Romantic Comedy ( Jack and Jill, Fixing up Christmas ) and Period ( HBO-La Fontaine ). Designing feature films, television series, and MOWs has provided the opportunity to collaborate on stellar projects with major networks ( NBC, Disney, New Line, MTV, Miramax, Dreamworks, Columbia-Tristar, HBO ) and exceptional talent such as Maya Angelou, Sarah Poley, Faye Dunaway, Nick Cage and David Cronenberg, to name just a few.  

Maxyne Baker is a highly creative, educated and experienced design mogul who aims to deliver a simple yet significant solution to all design challenges.